Programs &
The El Paso United Family Resiliency Center (FRC) is comprised of resiliency navigators who through personalized case management connect individuals and families to credible programs and services that address their specific needs. The FRC also hosts a variety of events that allow for a shared healing process.
Navigators can provide referrals to an array of services focused on behavioral health, emergency basic needs, legal services, spiritual care and financial stability.
Support Groups
The FRC hosts empowering peer support groups to help individuals find comfort and support in sharing personal experiences, coping strategies and more with others who have gone through similar experiences.
Non-traditional Therapies
Programming at the FRC also includes non-traditional group therapies such creative art therapies, movement-focused therapies and more.
Education & Messaging
As part of our long-term goals, the FRC is focused on increasing the understanding of mental health by providing education on the signs of trauma-induced stress in themselves and others as well as removing the stigma surrounding mental illnesses.