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If you or someone you know is experiencing a mental health crisis, please call Emergence Health Network at (915) 779-1800.

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July 3 to August 3, 2021:


The El Paso County Judge’s Office, in coordination with the United Way of El Paso County and its El Paso United Family Resiliency Center, invites the community to participate in a “Month of Unity and Healing” to help light a path toward goodwill as we approach the two-year mark of the August 3rd, 2019 tragedy.


The series of events, conversations, and activities are meant to promote community-wide healing as well as foster an appreciation for El Paso’s rich history and heritage.


The El Paso United FRC is proud to host the "Love for El Paso" website and its calendar of events including:


Luminaria Drive-Thru on July 30 & 31 | Hosted by United Way and FRC - More Information Below


Healing Garden Unveiling on August 3, 2021 | Hosted by The County of El Paso - More Information Below



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The El Paso United Family Resiliency Center (FRC), a program led by United Way of El Paso County, opened its doors on December 19, 2019 offering a place of healing and support dedicated to serving those directly and indirectly impacted by the August 3rd, 2019 tragedy. The main focus of the FRC is to disseminate information and assist community members in navigating the variety of services available in response to August 3rd.

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Luminaria Remembrance: Drive-thru

Hosted by the El Paso United FRC

Ascarate Park, 6900 Delta Dr, El Paso, TX 79905
Friday, July 30th - 8:30PM - 11:00PM

Saturday, July 31st - 8:30PM - 11:00PM


Honor the two-year mark by driving through a brightly lit Ascarate Park, which will be lined with luminarias intended to allow guests to remember and reflect together but safely at a distance. The luminaria pathway will symbolize the community’s road toward a resilient future. The luminaria pathway will also include the sounds and melodies of local musicians spread across the park. Attendees are encouraged to decorate their vehicles as a symbol of their #LOVEFORELPASO


Remembering at Home

El Pasoans can continue to pay their respects by placing a luminaria, on their porch or front door on the evening of

August 3rd. 

Luminaria Remembrance: Drive-thru

Hosted by the El Paso United FRC

Ascarate Park, 6900 Delta Dr, El Paso, TX 79905
Friday, July 30th - 8:30PM - 11:00PM

Saturday, July 31st - 8:30PM - 11:00PM


Honor the two-year mark by driving through a brightly lit Ascarate Park, which will be lined with luminarias intended to allow guests to remember and reflect together but safely at a distance. The luminaria pathway will symbolize the community’s road toward a resilient future. The luminaria pathway will also include the sounds and melodies of local musicians spread across the park. Attendees are encouraged to decorate their vehicles as a symbol of their #LOVEFORELPASO


Remembering at Home

El Pasoans can continue to pay their respects by placing a luminaria, on their porch or front door on the evening of

August 3rd. 


County of El Paso Healing Garden 

Ascarate Park, 6900 Delta Dr, El Paso, TX 79905

August 3rd, 2021 | Open to the public on August 4th​

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

County of El Paso Healing Garden 

Ascarate Park, 6900 Delta Dr, El Paso, TX 79905

August 3rd, 2021 | Open to the public on August 4th​

​Visit the County of El Paso Healing Garden created to be a welcoming place for individuals and families to find comfort, healing, and a place to honor those who lost their lives due to the August 3rd tragedy.

Fresh Cooking

Flavorful Healing 

Virtual Event, Culinary Camp Puga on Facebook

Sunday, July 25th from 5PM - 8PM

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

​Honor the two-year mark by joining Chef Christopher Puga in cooking a remembrance meal that will celebrate our culture’s richness through flavor and time with loved ones.


For ingredients and more information on joining please contact Chef Puga by email at


Flavorful Healing 

Virtual Event, Culinary Camp Puga on Facebook

Sunday, July 25th from 5PM - 8PM

Animal brown horse

An Evening of Peaceful Partnerships

with Horses with Compadres Therapy

Compadres Therapy, Inc Location

Every Friday and Saturday night in July

from 6:30PM - 8:30PM

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

An Evening of Peaceful Partnerships

with Horses with Compadres Therapy

Compadres Therapy, Inc Location

Every Friday and Saturday night in July from 6:30PM- 8:30PM

Open to FRC participants only.


Honor the two-year mark by  joining Compadres Therapy in their evening activities involving horses, as well as creative crafts and ranch focused activities. FRC Participants will be invited to conclude with the lighting of luminarias that will illuminate a memorial trail in honor of our 23.


A Retrospective of a Year of Healing

with Creative Kids

504 San Francisco St. El Paso, TX 79901

Saturday, July 31st from 10AM-12PM

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

A Retrospective of a Year of Healing

with Creative Kids

504 San Francisco St. El Paso, TX 79901

Saturday, July 31st from 10AM-12PM

The Resiliency Art Program was created in partnership with the El Paso United Family Resiliency Center in 2020 to stimulate dialogue, promote tolerance and cross-cultural collaboration to heal from adversity.  The intent is to create a capacity building tool utilizing the arts that fosters self-expression, empowers individuals to cope and grow regardless of what they are facing. Now, as we get close to the first anniversary of this well-received programming, Creative Kids will be hosting an artwork exhibition from all their students across this past year.


Virtual Gallery Provided Here.

Woman Running

Physical Friday- Move your Body, Free your Mind

with Center Against Sexual and Family Violence

Memorial Park, 1701 N Copia St, El Paso, TX 79930

Friday, July 30th from 10AM-12PM

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

Honor the two-year mark by joining CASFV’s prevention and intervention team in their physical activities that promote self-care, healthy relationships and community healing.


Register here.


Virtual Session: Join here

Physical Friday- Move your Body, Free your Mind

with Center Against Sexual and Family Violence

Memorial Park, 1701 N Copia St, El Paso, TX 79930

Friday, July 30th from 10AM-12PM

Tai Chi in Motion

Wellness Wednesdays with

El Paso Child Guidance Center

Join virtually here

Every Wednesday in July from 1PM-2PM

Jueves de Bienestar con

El Paso Child Guidance Center

Join virtually here

Cada jueves en julio de 1PM-2PM

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

Honor the two-year mark by joining EPCGC in their series of body- based wellness sessions to relieve stress, promote unity in the community and commemorate the Day of Remembrance of August 3rd. English only. 


Register here


Virtual Session: Join here

Wellness Wednesdays with

El Paso Child Guidance Center

Ascarate Park, 6900 Delta Dr, El Paso, TX 79905

Every Wednesday in July from 1PM-2PM

Jueves de Bienestar con

El Paso Child Guidance Center

Ascarate Park, 6900 Delta Dr, El Paso, TX 79905

Cada jueves en julio de 1PM-2PM

Honre la marca de los dos años uniéndose a EPCGC en su serie de sesiones de bienestar corporal para aliviar el estrés, promover la unidad en la comunidad y conmemorar el Día del Recuerdo del 3 de agosto. Solo en español.


Registrar aquí


Sesión virtual: Únete aquí


Music in the Park with El Paso Pro Musica

Ascarate Park, 6900 Delta Dr, El Paso, TX 79905

Every Saturday in July from 6PM-7PM

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

Honor the two-year mark by joining El Paso Pro Musica in their series of concerts that will feature wonderful musicians and ensembles. The concept of the program will be to provide music for soothing and healing in an outdoor environment.

Music in the Park with El Paso Pro Musica

Ascarate Park, 6900 Delta Dr, El Paso, TX 79905

Every Saturday in July from 6PM-7PM

Modern Dancer

Body Healing with

El Paso Child Guidance Center

Ascarate Park, 6900 Delta Dr, El Paso, TX 79905

Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021 from 10AM & 6PM

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

Body Healing with

El Paso Child Guidance Center

Ascarate Park, 6900 Delta Dr, El Paso, TX 79905

Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021 from 10AM & 6PM

Honor the two-year mark by joining EPCGC in their series of body- based wellness sessions to relieve stress, promote unity in the community and commemorate the Day of Remembrance of August 3rd. Bilingual.


Register here


Virtual Session: Join here

Wellness Coach

Mindful Mondays with

Emergence Health Network

Live Virtual Sessions: Click here for EHN socials 

Every Monday of July from 12PM-12:30PM

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

Mindful Mondays with

Emergence Health Network

Live Virtual Sessions: Click here for EHN socials 

Every Monday of July from 12PM-12:30PM


Honor the two-year mark by joining Emergence Health Network’s Community Recovery Center in their guided mindfulness meditations through their Facebook page. Videos will also be archived on Facebook for access outside of designated live presentations. English only.

Support Group

Storytelling: How to Safeguard Your Sharing

with Emergence Health Network

Intellectual/Developmental Disability (IDD) Clinic, 8730 Boeing Ave, El Paso, TX 79925
Every Tuesday of July from 5PM-6PM

Historias: Como Proteger Su Uso Compartido

con Emergence Health Network

Intellectual/Developmental Disability (IDD) Clinic, 8730 Boeing Ave, El Paso, TX 79925

Todos los jueves de julio de 5PM - 6PM

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

Storytelling: How to Safeguard Your Sharing

with Emergence Health Network

Intellectual/Developmental Disability (IDD) Clinic, 8730 Boeing Ave, El Paso, TX 79925
Every Tuesday of July from 5PM-6PM

Honor the two-year mark by joining Emergence Health Network for a workshop on how to tell your story in a way that is safe for yourself and those around you. This workshop will include the do’ s and don'ts for safeguarding your mental health when talking to others about your experiences, as well as how to reduce potential harm from hearing about difficult experiences of others. English only.

Seating is limited. Must RSVP by calling Jessica Hernandez at 915-301-2825 or email

Historias: Como Proteger Su Uso Compartido

con Emergence Health Network

Intellectual/Developmental Disability (IDD) Clinic, 8730 Boeing Ave, El Paso, TX 79925

Todos los jueves de julio de 5PM - 6PM

Honre la marca de los dos años uniéndose a Emergence Health Network para un taller sobre cómo contar su historia de una manera segura para usted y quienes lo rodean. Este taller incluirá lo que se debe y no se debe hacer para salvaguardar su salud mental cuando hable con otros sobre sus experiencias, así como también cómo reducir el daño potencial al escuchar las experiencias difíciles de otros. Solo español.

Preinscríbase aquí. Espacio limitado, por favor de confirmar su asitencia llamando a Jessica Hernandez en 915-301-2825 o por correo electronico

Todos los jueves de julio de 5PM-6PM - En Español

Eyes Closed

Wellness Wednesdays

with Emergence Health Network

Live Virtual Sessions: Click here for EHN socials 

Every Wednesday of July from 12PM-12:30PM

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

Wellness Wednesdays

with Emergence Health Network

Live Virtual Sessions: Click here for EHN socials 

Every Wednesday of July from 12PM-12:30PM

Honor the two-year mark by joining Emergence Health Network’s Community Recovery Center in their discussions on how to enhance our overall wellness. Videos will also be archived on Facebook for access outside of designated live presentations. English only.

Firehouse Gear

Helping Helpers

with Emergence Health Network

Virtual Session: Click here for EHN socials 

Thursday, July 29th from 9AM-10AM or 5PM-6PM

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

Helping Helpers

with Emergence Health Network

Virtual Session: Click here for EHN socials 

Thursday, July 29th from 9AM-10AM or 5PM-6PM

Honor the two-year mark by joining Emergence Health Network for their seminar where they will provide information on compassion fatigues and vicarious trauma. This one-hour seminar will be offered at two different times for the convenience of professionals and first responders ( i.e. law enforcement, fire, EMS, medical frontline workers, etc.) affected by the August 3rd tragedy. Must RSVP to receive ZOOM link.  Call Jessica Hernandez at 915-301-2825 or email to RSVP.

Art Gallery

Expressions of Hope & Healing:

A Community Art Exhibition

with Emergence Health Network

Virtual Gallery

Submissions accepted from July 6th- July 16th

Gallery Exhibition from July 14th- August 3rd 

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

Expressions of Hope & Healing:

A Community Art Exhibition

with Emergence Health Network

Virtual Gallery

Submissions accepted from July 6th- July 16th

Gallery Exhibition from July 14th- August 3rd 

Honor the two-year mark by joining Emergence Health Network in their art healing initiative. EHN will be showcasing visual artwork created by FRC/CRC clients and staff that will highlight the power of healing and resiliency in the face of adversity.


Artwork will also be displayed at EHN’s Administrative Office downtown at 201 East Main Street 6th floor and in the lobby area of the 1st floor of EHN’s  office building located in the Sunflower Bank 201 East Main Street


Deadline to submit artwork and entry form is Wednesday July 14, 2021 at the following locations: EHN Outpatient Clinic 1551 Montana Ave open Monday – Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm or at the EHN Clinic at 8730 Boeing Ave Tuesday’s and Thursday’s 9 am – 5:30 pm

For more information contact Toni Beltran at


Promoting Well- Being

in a Targeted Community

with National Alliance for Mental Illness

Virtual Session: Register Here

Thursday, August 5th from 5:30PM-6:30PM

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

Promoting Well- Being

in a Targeted Community

with National Alliance for Mental Illness

Virtual Session: Register Here

Thursday, August 5th from 5:30PM-6:30PM

Honor the two-year mark by joining NAMI in their webinar that will discuss healing from a racially motivated hate crimes in the Latinx community. English only.

Swimming Together

Family Night to Reconnect with the YMCA El Paso 

Loya Family YMCA | 2044 Trawood, 79935

Friday, July 30th 6PM- 9PM

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

Family Night to Reconnect with the YMCA El Paso 

Loya Family YMCA | 2044 Trawood, 79935

Friday, July 30th 6PM- 9PM

Honor the two-year mark by joining the YMCA El Paso where facilities will be open for FRC families to reconnect in a fun event. Families will be able to swim, use the basketball courts, volleyball and all amenities of the YMCA. Staff will available to provide information about the services offered at our facilities and that are available to them. We will also provide free hotdogs and water for families. 


Song for Cesar with the El Paso Community Foundation Plaza Classic Film Festival 

Plaza Theatre

125 W. Mills Ave. El Paso, TX 79901

Saturday, July 31st from 7PM- 9:30PM

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

Song for Cesar with the El Paso Community Foundation Plaza Classic Film Festival 

Plaza Theatre

125 W. Mills Ave. El Paso, TX 79901

Saturday, July 31st from 7PM- 9:30PM

Honor the two-year mark by the El Paso Community Foundation Plaza Classic Film Festival in a special screening of the documentary "Song For Cesar," with special guests and post- screening Q&A. On August 3rd, the Plaza Classic Film Festival will show inspirational films dealing with racism and inclusion. 

Public Park

23 Reasons for Unity and Healing with San Elizario Independent School District

Alarcon Ball Park 

12501 Socorro Road, San Elizario, TX 79849

Friday, July 30th from 9AM-10AM

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

23 Reasons for Unity and Healing with San Elizario Independent School District

Alarcon Ball Park 

12501 Socorro Road, San Elizario, TX 79849

Friday, July 30th from 9AM-10AM

Honor the two-year mark by joining the San Elizario ISD for a tree planting ceremony. The San Elizario ISD had previously planted 22 trees in honor of each life we lost on August 3rd. This year, the San Elizario ISD will plant the 23rd tree. Community members and employees are invited to this honoring ceremony

Kids Playing Soccer

Fabens Soccer Camp with Fabens Independent School District 

Amador Villalobos Jr. Sport Complex | Fabens, TX 79838

Thursday, July 15th from 6PM- 7:30PM

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

Fabens Soccer Camp with Fabens Independent School District 

Amador Villalobos Jr. Sport Complex | Fabens, TX 79838

Thursday, July 15th from 6PM- 7:30PM

Honor the two-year mark by joining the Fabens ISD in their all school-age kids in grades K- 8th soccer camp. The Fabens ISD aimes to promote healing, character building and unity through sports and community. 

Planting Plants

Coyote Community Service with Tornillo Independent School District 

Coyote Park | 600 OT Smith, Tornillo, TX 79853

Tuesday, August 3rd from 8AM- 3PM

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

Coyote Community Service with Tornillo Independent School District 

Coyote Park | 600 OT Smith, Tornillo, TX 79853

Tuesday, August 3rd from 8AM- 3PM

Honor the two-year mark by joining the Tornillo ISD in their day of community service in honor of the victims of August 3rd, 2019. Activities will include planting trees, art, music, P.E. lessons and social emotional lessons. 

Mariachi Music

Healing Together with Centro De Salud Familiar La Fe

La Fe Culture and Technology Center| 721 S. Ochoa (Rear Building), El Paso TX, 79901

Monday, August 2nd 5:30PM-8PM

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

Healing Together with Centro De Salud Familiar La Fe

La Fe Culture and Technology Center| 721 S. Ochoa (Rear Building), El Paso TX, 79901

Monday, August 2nd 5:30PM-8PM

An evening in memory of the 23 lives lost on August, 3rd 2019. Cultural arts performances by The Matachines de San Ignacio de Loyola, the Ballet Folklorico Totec de La Fe, and the Mariachi Real Azteca; Poetry Readings by Benjamin Alire Saenz and Gris Munoz; Special Guest EP County Judge Ricardo Samaniego.

Notebook and Pen

A Day of Compassion with Centro San Vicente 

Centro San Vicente | 8061 Alameda Ave El Paso, TX 79915

Wednesday, July 28th 10AM-1PM

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

A Day of Compassion with Centro San Vicente 

Centro San Vicente | 8061 Alameda Ave El Paso, TX 79915

Wednesday, July 28th 10AM-1PM

Honor the two-year mark by joining Centro San Vicente in their three events centered around the theme of self compassion and/or compassion for others. 10am-11am Mindfulness exercises, 11am-12pm Art Activity, 12pm-1pm Poetry and/or song writing activity. Please RSVP to Lisa Hernandez at

Online Tutorial

Stop the Bleed with Las Palmas Del Sol Healthcare

Virtual Session: Join Here

Wednesday, July 28th 2PM-3PM

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

Stop the Bleed with Las Palmas Del Sol Healthcare

Virtual Session: Join Here

Wednesday, July 28th 2PM-3PM

Stop the Bleed virtual instructional can empower people to save a life when a bleeding emergency occurs. Knowing how to control bleeding from a serious injury is essential knowledge to keep you and those around you safe.

Virtual Team Meeting

August 3rd Virtual Commemoration Ceremony with the El Paso Neighborhood Coalition 

Virtual Session: Join Here

Tuesday, August 3rd 10AM-10:30AM

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

August 3rd Virtual Commemoration Ceremony with the El Paso Neighborhood Coalition 

Virtual Session: Join Here

Tuesday, August 3rd 10AM-10:30AM

Honor the two-year mark by joining the El Paso Neighborhood Coalition in aa virtual commemoration ceremony in which  neighborhood association leaders participate. 

Packing Boxes

#ElPasoKind with Paso del Norte Community Foundation

Social Media Campaign | Advocacy 

July 3rd- August 3rd 

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

#ElPasoKind with Paso del Norte Community Foundation

Social Media Campaign | Advocacy 

July 3rd- August 3rd 

Honor the two-year mark by joining the Paso del Norte Community Foundation by uplift each other through acts of kindness.  Each week we will be sharing acts of kindness through social media and through our online newsletter. Simply share your acts of kindness by posting a picture or video of yourself or organization with a description to social media using the hashtag #ElPasoKind and join in on the Month of Unity and Healing events that will take place across the region from July 3-August 3, 2021.


Acts of kindness can include acts such as volunteering, paying for a stranger’s coffee, or giving back to your favorite charitable cause.


Keep the kindness going by challenging your friends and other organizations!


We will share stories and photos throughout the summer to highlight these special acts of kindness and motivate others. We hope you will show the love and strength we have in our community!




US Flag

Healing Through Honor with the El Paso Hidden Heroes Program 

Ascarate Park Pavilion | 6900 Delta, El Paso, TX 79905

Thursday, July 22nd from 6PM-7PM

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

Healing Through Honor with the El Paso Hidden Heroes Program 

Ascarate Park Pavilion | 6900 Delta, El Paso, TX 79905

Thursday, July 22nd from 6PM-7PM

Honor the two-year mark by joining the El Paso County Veteran Service Office and the El Paso Hidden Heroes in a special ceremony to honor the veterans lost during August 3rd, 2019. Please RSVP by emailing Carl Dwyer at or Linda Mais at


A Brighter Tomorrow with LULAC 

Education Service Center Region 19 Room: Tierra Del Sol | 6611Boeing Dr. El Paso, TX 79925

Monday, August 2nd 1PM- 3PM

Use catchy, fun text to tell people what you offer.

A Brighter Tomorrow with LULAC 

Education Service Center Region 19 Room: Tierra Del Sol | 6611Boeing Dr. El Paso, TX 79925

Monday, August 2nd 1PM- 3PM

Honor the two-year mark by joining LULAC in the educational event which will address disinformation through social media. 



Emergence Health Network is now operating its Community Recovery Center specially

developed to address the mental health needs of borderland residents following the event on August 3, 2019. This center is for first responders, families and individuals who

would like to speak to a behavioral health professional with concerns regarding this tragic incident that has impacted our community.

Additional Resources

As part of our long-term goals, community partners are focused on increasing the understanding of mental health by providing education on the signs of trauma-induced stress as well as removing the stigma surrounding mental illnesses. We encourage El Pasoans of any ages and any backgrounds to recognize that mental health is equally as important as physical health and view the resources compiled by our Resiliency Navigators.



For media inquiries, please contact: 

Elizabeth Gamez, VP of Marketing & Communications at United Way of El Paso County, (915) 276-7811.

Contact Us

Do you have questions? Submit the form below and someone from our team will reach out to you! 

Thanks for submitting!


6314 Delta Dr. 

El Paso, TX 79905



The Family Resiliency Center is funded in part through a grant from the Public Safety Office of the Texas Office of the Governor. Neither the Office of the Governor nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse, this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided).

© 2023 by United Way of El Paso County. 

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